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weekly inspection中文是什么意思

用"weekly inspection"造句"weekly inspection"怎么读"weekly inspection" in a sentence


  • 每周检查


  • Completes weekly inspection on overall outlets ' appearance ~ the maintenance of all fixtures , fittings and operating equipment
  • Housing department would carry out weekly inspections at 150 housing estates and 25 construction sites under its charge to eliminate mosquito breeding grounds
  • Housing department will carry out weekly inspections to 155 estates and 66 construction sites under its charge to eliminate mosquito breeding grounds therein
  • Housing department will carry out weekly inspections at 155 estates and 60 - odd construction sites under its charge to eliminate mosquito breeding grounds therein
  • Carry out post obligation system , make obligation to people , carry out layer upon layer , and do well on daily inspection , weekly inspection and monthly inspection of management work
  • Apart from conducting weekly inspection and anti - mosquito operations at the vicinity of pig farms , as well as areas where migratory birds gather and are close to human residences , the department has also launched promotion and education activities to publicise the preventive measures for culex tritaeniorhynchus
  • Project manager , as a leader , organize director , technician to make inspection on management work performance and quality of every position every week , fill “ weekly inspection table ” , make punishment on those who did not finish weekly work plan and do not accord with management system , find reason and submit alteration measure
    由项目经理带头,组织主管、技术员对每周各岗位的管理工作计划完成情况以及质量进行一次检查,填写《周检表》 ,对未完成周工作计划及不符合管理标准的进行处罚,并由各自管理组查找原因,提交整改措施。
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